Supta Kapotasana (Reclining pigeon pose)

The name comes from the Sanskrit,“Supta” meaning “Supine”, “Kapota” meaning “Pigeon”,and “Asana”, meaning “Posture”.

Table of Contents

  • Steps with breathing
  • Adjustments
  • Benefits
  • Contra Indications
  • Variations

Reclining Pigeon pose Steps with breathing

1. Begin with supine position, lie flat on the back with legs and feet together in a straight line.

2. Now slowly bend the legs, bringing the soles of the feet on the mat.

3. Lift the right leg and cross it over the left leg, bringing the ankle several inches above the knee of the left leg.

4. Bring the right hand inside the left thigh and left hand from the outer side of the left thigh, now clasp the fingers behind the left hamstring and lift the left foot off the floor.

5. Begin to gently pull the knee towards the chest and remain in this pose for 30 seconds to a minute, then switch sides.

6. And Finally With exhalation, gently release the legs, release the clasped fingers, bring the foot down and relax in shavasana.


1. Feet closer to the hips.

2. Bring ankle in line in addition with knees.

3. Maintain the pose without stressing the neck muscles and the shoulder blades.


1. Catch hold of the shin bone.

2. Interlace the fingers behind the hamstring and extend the bent knee.


1. Gives a deep stretch to lower back.

2. Stretches outer thighs, and glutes muscles.

3. Improves blood circulation in the lower limbs and in the pelvic region.


1. People suffering with chronic knee.

2. Sacroiliac issues should avoid this asana.