Bhujangasana(cobra pose)

The name comes from the Sanskrit, “Bhujanga ” meaning “Cobra”,and “Asana”, meaning “Posture”.

Table of Contents

  • Steps with breathing
  • Adjustments
  • Benefits
  • Contra Indications
  • Variations

Steps with breathing

1. Begin in prone position lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground.

2. Slowly bring the chin on the mat, keep the palms beside the shoulder level facing forward and draw your elbows towards the side of the body.

3. With inhalation push down through the palms and lift the chest slowly up towards the ceiling and maintain the final pose from 30 seconds to one minute.

4. While exhaling slowly bring the chest down and relax in makarasana.


1. Feet flat on the floor.

2. Palms right beside the shoulder level and while lifting the chest up, keep the navel on the floor.

3. Shoulders away from the ears and broaden the collar bones.

4. Press the pubic bone.

5. Neck should be neutral.


1. Baby cobra (resting on the elbows).

2. Lift the arms off the floor.


1. Brings rich blood supply to the spine, hence, keeps the spine supple and healthy.

2. Beneficial for all the abdominal organs, especially the liver and the kidneys.

3. It alleviates constipation.

4. It tones the ovaries and uterus and helps in menstrual and other gynecological disorders.


1. People suffering from peptic ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis, or hernia and people who recently underwent abdominal surgeries should avoid this asana.

2. Pregnant women should also avoid this asana.